Rules & Regulations
The HOME is run on a non-profit basis nor is there any commercial or profit motive. The Home does not subscribe to any religion or brand of politics. Positive discussions are encouraged but Residents must desist from hurting the sentiments of others by imposing their opinion on them.
The Rules & Regulations have been framed in the interest of Residents: these are subject to revision but the interest of the Residents will be protected as far as is expedient. The decision of the President of the Home on the interpretation of the Rules & Regulations shall be final.
• Accommodation is available to all senior citizens of India irrespective of caste, creed, or religion.
• Senior Citizens who have no children or immediate relations to give emotional and physical support will be preferred.
• The applicant must be introduced to the Home by a guarantor/referee who is known to the Home and who will assume responsibility in case of a crisis.
• The applicant should not be mentally challenged or suffering from any communicable disease.
• The applicants must complete the medical history form given.
• The applicant must specify the preferred medical practitioner or other medical assistance required.
• The applicant must specify the preferred medical practitioner, nursing home/hospital and local contact in case of emergencies.
• Charges for medical treatment, medicines and care will be borne by the Resident.
• The Home will assist to arrange medical care.
• Visitors are welcome; they will be admitted into the Home after positive identification.
• Residents are advised to keep minimum cash, jewellery or valuables in the rooms; the Home cannot take responsibility for losses.
• Residents may install personal lockers in their wardrobes.
• The duplicate set of keys will be held by the management for entry into the room for emergencies and maintenance.
• Wholesome, vegetarian, non-spicy, non-greasy and hot food will be served.
• The menu and preparation will be planned to meet the health requirements of elders and varied as far as possible.
• Cooking in the rooms is not permitted; however, Residents may make their own tea/coffee and dry snacks.
• Use of gas cylinders in the rooms is not permitted.
• A second kitchen is available on first floor of building 2, where residents can prepare their own meal, including non-vegetarian.
• Residents are expected to be polite and considerate at all times towards other residents and staff. Abusive behaviour will not be accepted.
• Residents should be considerate regarding use of common facilities such as television, and radio, etc..
• Residents should assist in conserving electricity by switching off fans and lights, etc., when not required.
• Gambling of any sort is discouraged.
• Residents must respect the privacy of other Residents.
• Residents must dress neatly as a matter of courtesy to their fellow Residents and should not visit the lounge or dining area in their night clothes.
• Residents must follow meal timings.
Privacy and Locking of Rooms
• Residents must respect the privacy of other Residents.
• Residents are advised, in their own interest, not to lock/bolt the rooms and bathrooms and definitely, not to leave the key in the key hole of the lock.
Furniture, Fixtures and Furnishings
• All rooms are fully furnished but Residents are welcome to bring their own furniture and furnishings.
• Residents must take due care of the furniture/ furnishings/ fittings provided by the Home
• Residents will make own arrangements for laundry; facilities are readily available.
Electricity Consumption
• The Home endeavours to provide 24x7 power.
• The back-up generator will come on in the event of supply disruption; however, the generator will support lights and fans only but not heavy power consuming appliances.
• The management reserves the right to check the maintenance/upkeep of the accommodation. Adequate advance information will be given for this.
• Duplicate set of keys will be held by the management to enter the room for emergencies and maintenance when required.
• Telephone and inter net facilities are available.
• Accommodation is allotted for the personal use by the Resident and is non transferable.
• Residents are advised to make, and register, their wills specifying their executors.
• Wills should clearly specify the wishes, disposal of assets and the final rites to be observed.
• Wills must be kept in a safe and secure place; the Home should be informed of the location of the wills and contact details of the executors.
• The Home reserves the right to deny admission to any applicant without ascribing any reasons.
Demise and Last Rites
• In the unfortunate event of demise of any Resident, efforts will be made by the Home to intimate the next-of-kin/local contact as soon as possible and at the address available in the office records. In case of lack of response for 8 hours, the funeral rites will be performed by the Home as specified in the records. No complaint or grievance whatsoever as regards the medical treatment, alleged negligence of any sort and disposal of the body will be entertained.
• Residents will furnish an undertaking accepting the terms and conditions of residence in the Home and to abide by these in letter and spirit. In matters of dispute and interpretation of the Rules & Regulations, the decision of the President shall be final.
• Residents will be required to execute a bond indemnifying the Home, and functionaries, of any legal claims either by the Residents themselves or by other persons on their behalf.
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