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Short-stay with assisted living facility
We are a society in transition. We live longer. We have more money and less time. More possessions and smaller families.
Every day the world seems to be shrinking as we race in pursuit of our dreams. Leaving us with medals of success but at the price of relationships and security.
Increasingly so in India, with our rapid economic success, joint families are becoming rarer, on the brink of extinction, almost.
And despite our resources, it can be challenging to find reliable and sincere hired help.
It is for these reasons that the Panchvati Trust offers a safe, secure and carefree haven for senior citizens. A place where smiles are shared, daily chores attended to, precious time spent in creative and social ventures. A place where we know what matters - a meaningful lifetime for each individual. Every family. And our society at large.
A place where you can leave your elders for a day, a week or a lifetime - in a caring, vibrant atmosphere while you are away from home.
A universally accessible place where your loved ones can be secure when recuperating from any illness that requires supervised home care.
We are the India’s first short-stay assisted living facility designed specially for senior citizens and a final solution for some challenging situations!
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